These rules do not necessarily apply for roses hidden in duchies or in Oxbridge! The Oxbridge roses are not in the Library, the Lecture Hall, or the tutorial buildings. (Please do not interrupt classes.)
Much thanks go to our rose designers and rose hiders this year: Lady Aev, Cynthia Farshore, Magda Kamenev, Nyree Rain, Trilby Serenade, Zahra Ethaniel, and Wrath Constantine. Thank you to ex-Guvnah Des and Guvnah Neo for keepin' Caledon runnin', and leavin' enough public land fer us to hide roses in. And thanks to all of y'all, for bein' Caledonians: wouldn't be no place to hide the roses without you!
Good luck, and happy hunting!
On a personal note, my typist is lookin' for work as a web developer. If ya think this site is pretty cool and ya know someone who could use a site like this fer whatever reason, lemme know. Thanks! -SF